

« Missing (in cinema, novels and popular culture) is the crucial life stage where the woman is initially tired, anxious and cross, before undergoing an internal renaissance where she steps over the threshold into her new queendom of zero fucks. » (aka menopause). This extract is from an article of the Irish Independent (It’s all the rage!…

Transgenerational heritage and The Ones Before

Transgenerational heritage and The Ones Before

I am currently obsessed with a song by Rose Betts called Irish Eyes.  Probably because I might have Irish Eyes myself but mostly I am particularly sensitive/receptive to the lyrics « I’m a map of the world and the ones before » because ever since Le Baby was born, I’ve had this feeling lurking in the back…

Glass House

Glass House

I’ve always been an original hardwood floors, marble mantle pieces, moldings etc kind of gal. All those details that hint to a house being old, built and designed at a time of real craftsmanship but I’ve lately changed my mind. I now think all that matters is character whether that is character from the past…

Matrescence brain fog and how I emerged (kind of) on the other side of it

Matrescence brain fog and how I emerged (kind of) on the other side of it

In 1935, in an attempt to illustrate how absurd it was to represent quantum particles in a given finite state when they are in fact constantly moving, Edwin Schrödinger imagined a macroscopic thought experiment that places a cat in a box where it will eventually die of radioactive exposure. But we don’t know exactly when….