Glass House

Glass House

I’ve always been an original hardwood floors, marble mantle pieces, moldings etc kind of gal. All those details that hint to a house being old, built and designed at a time of real craftsmanship but I’ve lately changed my mind. I now think all that matters is character whether that is character from the past…

Matrescence brain fog and how I emerged (kind of) on the other side of it

Matrescence brain fog and how I emerged (kind of) on the other side of it

In 1935, in an attempt to illustrate how absurd it was to represent quantum particles in a given finite state when they are in fact constantly moving, Edwin Schrödinger imagined a macroscopic thought experiment that places a cat in a box where it will eventually die of radioactive exposure. But we don’t know exactly when….

Les Pages Noires

Les Pages Noires

Les Pages Noires : Un aperçu de l’autre coté du miroir ou comment j’ai découvert que : a) Le parcours de soin dans le cadre d’une pathologie gynécologique est jalonné de docteurs qui partagent un point commun : une absence totale de compassion. Ils constituent une armée de glands dont il est important de ne…